Apr 6, 2007

Touching greetings from Andrea


Anonymous said...

Dear Nina,

What a nice show you have got. I also wish you and your family a wonderful Easter. One full of joy and happiness.

Abraços from Brazil

Anonymous said...

Dear Nina,
Congratulations on your beautiful blog with many features! You have done a wonderful job!
(in U.S.A.)

Anonymous said...

Happy Easter dear Nina,
I just loved your borned with teeth blog!!
Hala Fawzi (Sudan)

Nina Lyulkun said...

Dear Jose, Cora and Hala,

Thanks a lot for the lovely messages. It's pretty nice you've dropped by and left your comments. It's alway make us happy when dear people leave comments. I also feel happy today - this beautiful Easter Day!

In our country people used to greet each other, regardless of their religion, with the words 'Christ is risen!' on this special day. And the reply is 'in good sooth Christ is risen!' It's just a tradition here.
With warmest regards,
Nina Lyulkun

Prof. Nelba Quintana- La Plata- Argentina said...

Dear Nina, this slide show is super! Thank you for doing such a lovely blog where you include all messages and cards.
I am also very happy this Easter because I have got very good and friendly cyber friends like you.
Lots of love, Nelba from ARgentina

Nina Lyulkun said...

Dear Nelba,
I am delighted to have your comment here. It inspires me for new creations. ;-)

I wish you and yours all the best. Stay in touch. I like communicate with you.


Nina Lyulkun