Dear Vance,
Looks like I missed your birthday, but not by much. I am a little discombobulated here in France so I hope you will forgive me if I send you these birthday wishes a day late! You are a special person in our community and I am honored to know you, to have been taught by you, and to have worked with you. Here's to our continued friendship (raises glass)! I hope your birthday was very happy and your next year will be full of friendship, family, diving, working and webheads!
Dec 28, 2010
Happy Birthday, Vance!
Dec 24, 2010
Dec 21, 2010
New Greetings for 2011
Dear Christian Webheads
Fill up your life with love, compassion, tolerance, peace and happiness.
Merry Christmas Best wishes from Morocco
In the UAE we wish everyone season's greetings. There are people of all religions here, but the country is alight with national day celebration lights, reminiscent of Christmas, and the stores remind us in the usual way with incongruous snowmen etc that this is a good time to spend money. In the city's fanciest hotel there is an elaborately decorated tall christmas tree. For opinions on that: oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla: en-US:official&client=firefox- a
Dear Webheads,
As the old year is slowly coming to an end and we start thinking about wishes and resolutions for the coming year, I'd like to share with you a selection of 12 of my students' poster reminders
of Things they think really matter in life. 72157625532866653/show/
The posters have been created within the Listen to the Walls Talking project and involve reusing photos kindly shared by wall stalkers from here and there – dear Webheads too :-))) FrontPage#Sa%C5% A1asposterideaThingsthatmatter sayitwithaposter
I posted the slideshow to our class blog too - you are most welcome to drop by in the comment area if you like.
Let me finish with my wish for you, dear friends - in these festive days and throughout the coming year I wish you ALL lots of time for things that matter to YOU.
Have wonderful holidays and a happy new year!
Tight hugs from Slovenia,
Dear friends and family worldwide,Wishing you and your families a wonderful holiday seasonwith Peace, Health and Happiness in 2011!
Dear friends,
Wishing you all and your families a very Merry Christmas and a New Year with Peace, Love, Health, Happiness and... lots of success. :-) Hugs, Teresa
Wishing you all a great holiday season and all the best for 2011 with
this WEb 2.0 nativity story. vZrf0PbAGSk
Warm regards from Brazil,
Barbara Dieu
![]() |
Click here to see the original card. |
Dear Webheads: The advent of electronic greeting cards has, I suspect, caused the same kind of misgivings as the advent of the typewriter. How much is "gained" by the ease of new technology and how much is lost by the reduction, or elimination of the old?
Dec 1, 2010
It's been so Long ...
Dearest Hala, this is from you and for you.
Dear Webheads,
Do you memorize the lyrics of Celine Dion - Because You Loved Me? If not, I would love you to read my words below while you're listening the song, please:
It took me 5 month to write this message. Sorry! The pace of my life was moving/running like crazy. So many events and so many major decisions had to be taken. Btw, you don't need to reply to this message. I am just sharing my joy, again and again, with this amazing list.
You, webheads, taught me how use online tools for my professional development and how to use them with my students. I am now considered the pioneer in the field: http://blendedenglish09. FrontPage
I taught my kids (18, 12) how to create presentation and how to present. They always get the highest mark, asked by their teachers where did they learn about that! Dear Webheads,
Do you memorize the lyrics of Celine Dion - Because You Loved Me? If not, I would love you to read my words below while you're listening the song, please:
It took me 5 month to write this message. Sorry! The pace of my life was moving/running like crazy. So many events and so many major decisions had to be taken. Btw, you don't need to reply to this message. I am just sharing my joy, again and again, with this amazing list.
You, webheads, taught me how use online tools for my professional development and how to use them with my students. I am now considered the pioneer in the field: http://blendedenglish09.
In April, I had my first chapter published (Chapter 17). id=516
I was so excited then to have a look the book, but couldn't CALICO in Sudan. Vance took a screenshot for me. users/vances/folders/Jing/ media/2bfdd1ab-6b2a-4a17-bf20- 81d5a4fc1cf8
Lawan Dalha offered to get my free copy sent from Canada, to Nigeria and send it back to me, because it can't be shipped directly to Sudan.
In May, 2010, I got my PhD on blended learning, the first on blended learning in Sudan. You are the ones who taught me the first steps on the online learning path.
In July, got a certificate from the American English Institute, University of Oregon with very high grade: eteacher/webskills/index.html
http://e-hala-course.blogspot. com/
In August, 2010, during my 38 week pregnancy, I had participated as a trainer for one day in a workshop with the British Council and University of Khartoum:
http://ictineltsudan.pbworks. com/w/page/27984456/Day-3
I've learned from you how to succeed, in spite of the challenges and obstacles, I face. You taught me it's O.K. to ask for help. You showed me how one should always lend a helping hand. When I did ask for help, Carla was there for me:
Nellie, always ready to extend a helping hand, was there too:
Teresa, Cris and others responded and didn't want to leave me alone, so they dropped by: ictinelt-sudan
Even those who apologized were sad for not being able to make it. (Thanks Graham!)
In October, I moved to Saudi Arabia to work at Yanbu University College. Guess what? I thought about "webehads" the minute I laid my eyes on my new teaching schedule "Educational Technology" course was among other linguistics courses. I was told that only last year this course started, and it was not a success. Now, I am nominated for the position of the e-learning Coordinator for the female campus.I was so excited then to have a look the book, but couldn't CALICO in Sudan. Vance took a screenshot for me.
Lawan Dalha offered to get my free copy sent from Canada, to Nigeria and send it back to me, because it can't be shipped directly to Sudan.
In May, 2010, I got my PhD on blended learning, the first on blended learning in Sudan. You are the ones who taught me the first steps on the online learning path.
In July, got a certificate from the American English Institute, University of Oregon with very high grade:
In August, 2010, during my 38 week pregnancy, I had participated as a trainer for one day in a workshop with the British Council and University of Khartoum:
I've learned from you how to succeed, in spite of the challenges and obstacles, I face. You taught me it's O.K. to ask for help. You showed me how one should always lend a helping hand. When I did ask for help, Carla was there for me:
Nellie, always ready to extend a helping hand, was there too:
Teresa, Cris and others responded and didn't want to leave me alone, so they dropped by:
Even those who apologized were sad for not being able to make it. (Thanks Graham!)
And now, as part of introducing my students to synchronous tools, I asked Buth to present about her projects with her students, as we share the same context in some way. She accepted! The presentation will be at Ellumiante next week.
Thank you for everything that you've done for me, for my life, my career. You were there to help me whenever I needed you. For all the dreams you made come true...I'll be forever thankful!
It's a privilege to be part of this community.
Dr. Hala FawziThank you for everything that you've done for me, for my life, my career. You were there to help me whenever I needed you. For all the dreams you made come true...I'll be forever thankful!
It's a privilege to be part of this community.
Applied Linguistics Department
Yanbu University College
Dear Hala,
I'm sooooo proud of all your accomplishments - what a fantastic list!
- and so happy that it all started with BaW back in 2005, if I'm not
wrong. Congrats to you!!! :-)
Knowing you, I'm absolutely sure that your life will only get better
and more far-reaching achievements will come your way.
For me it's a privilege to be part of this Webhead community and to
have you in it as a very special colleague and friend! :-)
Please let us know the time and date of Buth's presentation.
Hugs and beijinhos, Teresa
Dearest Halla,
I am so much happy for you and your accomplishments. Congratulations!!!
I feel thankful to the opportunity to meet you here and f2f in Fukuoka. You really deserve to be successful and Allah helps you!
I wish to see you again f2f someday.
Stay Happy, healthy and wealthy!
{{{{BIG HUG))))
and beijinhos,
Nina Lyulkun (Ukraine)
Congratulations on your achievements, Hala!
And way back from the 60s.
Warm regards from Brazil,
Barbara Dieu
Inspiring Hala,
I am so proud of you!!!!!!! It is just incredible all the different things
you have accomplished.
We met face-to-face two years ago when we obtained a scholarship to attend
WorldCall in Japan. For those of you who never met Hala f2f she has an
extremely positive attitude and she is a natural leader. I am sure you will
continue to ROCK because every new project is an opportunity to do what you
really love: show your passion for education.
A big cyber hug.
Warm regards
Dear Hala
I congratulate you on your achievements! They're really great!!!!
an otstanding career, you deserve it because you are really hardworking and responsible
I also love this community!! It's incredible how much you can learn form one another
stella (from Argentina)
Dear Hala,
I am sooo proud of you. Congratulations on your achievements. :)
and this song is for us, Webheads:
a big cyber hug.
warm regards
Beyza :)
Dear Hala,
Your message + Celine's song are really moving.
A very big hug from Argentina !!!! Congratulations on your achievements!!!! [:x] you cannot complain about 2010.
You are really inspiring.
I wish you the best in your new post and your new home.
Any photo of your baby????
Dec 22, 2008
Mar 22, 2008
Happy Nowruz!
May the new year be filled with
prosperity and happiness!
Id-e Shoma Mobarak!
To create your own Persian Musical Greeting go to FarsiNet eCards.
FarsiNet.Com: A Persian Iranian Farsi Speaking People Global eCommunity
NowRuz Greeting Persian eCard Created at FarsiNet eCards
God Is Love ... and God Loves All People Everywhere. - خدا محبت است ... و خدا همه مردم در سراسر دنيا را دوست دارد
Feb 15, 2008
Jan 21, 2008
Jan 1, 2008
And more, and more greetings from Webheads...
Happy New Year from hot Melbourne, Australia. You are an amazing group &
I also feel privileged to be part of it.
All the best fro 2008,
Sophie Cholewka
Happy New Year, dear BAWers!!!
Vera from Siberia
Sharing your warm words, Evelyn !!!
Happy New Year 2008 for the whole WIA family !!!
Kisses and champagne from Del Valle in Argentina
Susana Canelo
My dearest WIA friends:
Today, when the year comes to the end, is the perfect time to say 'thank you'. Thank you for being there all year long, like good friends, like a warm family. My best wishes to you and your beloved ones for the new year. I wish you love, peace, prosperity, excellent health, lots of joy and success in 2008.
Hugs, bow, hand shakings or kisses to you.
Evelyn from Choroni, Aragua State, Venezuela
Soon it will be New Year's here in Abu Dhabi! Our best wishes to all of you and your families.
Bobbi, Vance, Glenn, Gulya, Dusty, Joan, Musky the Cat and 3 guinea pigs!
Thanks, Bobbi. I wish you and all your family a very happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you Bobbi and Family and all Webheads and families!
Moira, Léon, Russell, Doran,
the dogs (Cindy and Bibi)
the cats (Cornflake, Cuddles, Lucy and Fontaine)
Hi everyone.
It's already 2008 Down Under and all the fireworks seem to have finished. I've been sitting outside on a very warm night listening to them. (can't see them from my backyard)
Thank you all for another wonderful webhead year - for all that you teach me and the friendship this group offers. I still see little evidence of any other group online that displays this level of professional and personal interaction - it's priceless. Ten years on and I still feel very privileged to be part of this group. Thank you one and all.
A very Happy New Year everyone,
- Michael.
Thank you very much, Michael. You're absolutely right. This is the most amazing group I have ever known. Friendship and willingness to help are the most important features of this fantastic group. I feel grateful to belong to a group like this. I have learned a lot since I joined early this year and I wish I had found you earlier.
I wish you and your family all the best for 2008.
Joao, Michael, and all,
I think the "Friendship and willingness to help" you mention are qualities that we find in Vance, who has attracted like-minded people from the very beginning.
Combine this with a keen mind and curiosity and playfulness... 2008 has got to be another "best year" for Webheads
Hi, Michael!
I'm still 5 hours away from 2008!
Happy New Year to you all, including my friend Joti. How is he?
Beijinhos, Teresa <:-))
Happy New Year from Sydney, where it is now 8:30 am. I saw a firework session for children around the Harbour Bridge from East Balmain (peninsula)at nine pm and then met friends at Camperdown (higher up on the hill) , from where we watched the midnight spectacle from the hill. Fabulous!
We've had wonderful weather until now - sunny days, blue sky and light breeze - starting to get a tan. Aussies are friendly and welcoming and making a lot of new friends here and meeting Michael at the end of the month in Melbourne for the Linux Conference, where I will be talking about the Webheads, EVO and Social Media in ELT.
Warm regards from OZ,
Dear Bee,
Happy 2008 to you and your family!!!! <:-)
It has started in the best way, in Sydney harbor, enjoying the fabulous atmosphere and fireworks. That's one place I would to be at New Yer's some day. The other is Times Square.
Enjoy your stay and please keep us posted! Is there any blog or wiki for the special year in your life?
Best wishes for this New Year!
Beijinhos, Teresa
Happy New Year for you ,too. Thanks for sharing those "images" and the sun !!!
Hugs from Del Valle in Argentina
Happy New Year Teresa! See 2 pix of Joti at He was home for a few days at Christmas and is now back in Aceh.
- Michael.
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