Apr 8, 2007

Greeting from Ukraine

Dear Jose, Cora and Hala, and everyone who are visiting this Blog,

- 'Christ is risen!'
- 'In good sooth Christ is risen!'

Thanks a lot for the lovely messages. It's pretty nice you've dropped by and left your comments at our
Greetings from Webheads. It's alway make us happy when friends and colleagues leave their comments. As Horacio told:
... that a blog without visitors is like a garden without flowers.
I also feel happy today - this beautiful Easter Day! In our country people used to greet each other, regardless of their religion, with the words 'Christ is risen!' on this special day. And the reply is 'in good sooth Christ is risen!' It's just a tradition here.

Ukrainian Easter eggs embody is a myriad of symbolism: the symbolism of the egg itself, the symbolism of design and the symbolism of color. Why is it that the egg became one of the most important elements in the system of pagan beliefs? It is not difficult to understand. After all the egg is a symbol of birth – it is the beginning of life. It is the power of the egg to create a new life that made it so mysterious to pagan believers, who thus incorporated it into their various rituals... more

With warmest regards,
Nina Lyulkun


Anonymous said...

Hi Nina! Happy Easter to you and all your family! I loved your post and the eggs look lovely!!!
Um abraço,
Mônica Veado

Nina Lyulkun said...

Thank you Monica for the nice and so prompt comment. I am just creating another message to the blog for dafne and noticed your comment. Thanks a lot again.

Love to hear from you, stay in touch.

Nina Lyulkun

Dennis said...

Hi, Nina.

Khristos Voskrese!

The photo of the collection of decorated eggs is very beautiful. I saw both pysanky and krapanky in the photo and I also noticed that one of the eggs seemed to be done in the "Trypillian" style.

Thank you for this wonderful Pascha gift!

Dennis in Phoenix