Mar 19, 2007

Saga of belated (technically) greeting from Dennis

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Vitayu, Nina.

Your blog is beautiful (which is typical of your work)! I really
enjoyed looking at the latest update.
It's easy to be thoughtful, Nina, when one is part of a supportive,
positive, thoughtful "family" such as LWC.
Dyakuyu for the kind wishes!
Warmest regards to you as well!
{{{{{ OBNIMAYU! }}}}}
Dennis in Phoenix

Thanks for the e-card Dennis!!! It's very beautiful!!!
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Saludos, Barbi.
El gusto era (y es) mío, Barbi. I also thought the e-card was
beautiful and expressed some very nice thoughts.

Take care--
Dennis in Phoenix

Hi, everyone.

Like Nelba, I sent a St. Patrick's Day message to this group. Now St.Patrick's Day has passed, but the message has still not appeared. Why do you suppose that happened?
Dennis in Phoenix

Dear friend Dennis : no panic. I saw the St. Patrick's Day E-card you sent.
Muchas gracias. En Venezuela todavía no lo celebramos.
Un fuerte abrazo,


Finally the message about the St. Patrick's Day card (#3352) has appeared.
I'm still mystified about why it arrived a day late.
Oh, well . . . .

Digging deeper down my pile of unread mail, I find that I did receive greetings from you.
Apologies, Yahoo!!
Dennis Denos

Thanks, Dennis-Denos.
It's strange that the announcement of the e-card came a couple of days after I sent the card. I guess the cyber-leprechauns were having fun or something!
Dennis in Phoenix